Thursday, March 26, 2009

Becca's play was yesterday and today.  She did such a great job--I love watching her.  She has so much life and animation on stage.  It makes me smile to watch her.  I think she really loved doing it as well.  They did different scenes from teenager musicals--like Grease, West-side Story, Hairspray, Footloose and High School Musical.  Way to go Becca.  

Becca Nominated for an Oscar!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

KatiAnne did great at her swim meet.  I was proud of her for doing something that was out of her comfort zone.  She did well.  She also made the rugby team this week and is thrilled about that.  She can't wait to start tackling people.  Watch out!!!

Activities of the week

Why Do We Live in Calgary?

Yesterday KatiAnne was wearing flip flops and shorts.  Today we woke up to this.  We are so thrilled to be Calgarians.  Who else can claim the TOUGHNESS of character, the VALIANCY of spirit, and the MENTAL POSITIVITY that we possess.  Yes, we wouldn't move from here if someone MADE us!!!   We really believe that everyone should move here--if you are living in Utah, and really want to become the best person you can be, you'd better join us up here.    I think it is the only way to make the Celestial Kingdom.  So think about it. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tired of school

Woops, I forgot to explain one picture--KatiAnne with her biology book.  But I guess it is pretty self-explanatory!   

Fun around the house

As you can see from some of the photos above, it has been GREAT to have daddy home more.  Caden thinks it is awesome to play with Grandpa.  Whenever I tried to read the above book to him, he would close the cover, crawl off my lap, and toddle over to Grandpa.  
     We had fun last night for family night tie- dyeing some shirts.  We probably wouldn't be able to sell them (or even give them away), but we had a good time, and I now have a new exercise shirt.  The girls have new pj shirts, I guess.  
      KatiAnne started rugby yesterday and loves it so far.  She is already quite sore--and they haven't started any tackling yet.  She thinks it is going to be great!  
     Becca has a field trip tomorrow to the symphony and so they are supposed to dress up.  So she and a friend went shopping for dresses today.  Becca still had quite a bit of babysitting money left from her babysitting days.  She bought a beautiful dress, but it did deplete her savings by quite a bit.  She might even have to start babysitting again.  
     David and Dad have been working super hard the last couple of days getting things tied up with Chem-Dry.  They are hoping the deal goes through really quickly, because the business is drying up like crazy.  Hopefully it will all work out.  
Hey, everyone--have a happy day!   I love you all.