Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey I'm back!

Well, after a two month break I am finally back to blogging! I guess our trip to Maui gave me the rest I needed and I can get going again! We had a lovely time--It was just so nice to feel the sun and the warmth. I don't realize just how very much I miss it until I feel it again. We went snorkeling three times and that was so neat for me because I had never done it before. I had no idea how neat it is. The first time was great but I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have because I was just learning how and I kind of hyperventilated--I thought I had to breath constantly ! I felt a bit dizzy and sick. I did better the next time.
I did lose my $800 pair of glasses somewhere in Maui, so that was pretty dumb. At least I have a spare pair here at home to wear. I'm afraid we might have left our GPS system in the rental car as well. Those kind of things are a frustrating addition to the costs of a holiday.
You can imagine the shock to our systems as we flew into Calgary from Maui and faced a winter blizzard. Oh well--that is life, and to be honest it is always nice to be home--wherever that home may be.
We took about 300 photos so it was impossible to put them all here, but at least these give you the feeling of warmth!!