Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey I'm back!

Well, after a two month break I am finally back to blogging! I guess our trip to Maui gave me the rest I needed and I can get going again! We had a lovely time--It was just so nice to feel the sun and the warmth. I don't realize just how very much I miss it until I feel it again. We went snorkeling three times and that was so neat for me because I had never done it before. I had no idea how neat it is. The first time was great but I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have because I was just learning how and I kind of hyperventilated--I thought I had to breath constantly ! I felt a bit dizzy and sick. I did better the next time.
I did lose my $800 pair of glasses somewhere in Maui, so that was pretty dumb. At least I have a spare pair here at home to wear. I'm afraid we might have left our GPS system in the rental car as well. Those kind of things are a frustrating addition to the costs of a holiday.
You can imagine the shock to our systems as we flew into Calgary from Maui and faced a winter blizzard. Oh well--that is life, and to be honest it is always nice to be home--wherever that home may be.
We took about 300 photos so it was impossible to put them all here, but at least these give you the feeling of warmth!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you updated! Woohooo! Adorable pictures. You guys have nice tans. Oh, thanks for that book list.. I'm very excited to start reading. Sounds like you guys had such a blast on your trip. I've never snorkeled either... I'd love to try it. Did ya see some cool fish? That's so cute that you were hyperventilating. I'm sorry about your sunglasses... what IS IT about sunglasses, they get lost so easily. I'm SO HAPPY you're coming to UTAH. Can't WAIT to see ya. xxx
