Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back to Business

Hey all,
     It is time to get back to business with our blogs, eh?  JanaLee and Lara have done it--the rest of us need to shape up!   I don't know why we all took such a long holiday, but I declare it OVER.  I have sure been grateful for the time I've been able to spend with each of you lately.  It has been precious to me.  Arizona was WONDERFUL, Utah was SUPER, and by birthday was LOVELY.  I had fun shopping with you yesterday, JanaLee.  Let's do it again!  The only photos I have are just variations of ones you've already seen, but I'll send some anyway just for fun.  
     Daddy has been as busy as a beaver lately getting our garage all cleaned out, and our storage lockers empty.  I love having him home.  
     KatiAnne left this morning to go on her band trip.  It is really exciting this year--they get to go to Lethbridge,  Cardston, and Waterton.  We will miss her while she's gone.   She sure has been loving rugby.  Everyday she shows us her new bruises and cuts.   She laughs about it but I think she really is pretty sore.   KatiAnne, JanaLee, Becca and I went shopping on Saturday to find a Grad dress for KA.  It was fun, and she got a lovely dress.  She gets to go to two grads.  


  1. Thanks for updating, Mom! It was really fun to read! And thanks for putting up those pictures, they were some really good ones!!!! :)
    Love ya!

  2. I'm glad you had a nice time in Utah. It was amazing having you here. It made me realize how much I wish you lived close by..... and I realized how much I miss having breakfast with you and dad on a sunday morning!! Did you have a nice birthday? We need to talk. I love you so much mommy.
