Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our new couch!


Hi all,
I am determined to update this blog. However, since I have no photos and nothing to say, I don't think it is going to be very interesting!
This last month has been pretty full with the performances I have done with Sisters in Song. We go around to nursing homes, ward enrichment nights, etc. and I play the piano for a group of about 12 ladies. It has really touched my heart as we go around to all the seniors after the performance and shake their hands and wish them a Merry Christmas. Of course, a lot of times they just stare at us, but there have been some special moments. Several times the ladies have had tears in their eyes as they thanked us. They appreciate it so much. It has been a reminder to me this Christmas time that we really do feel happier when we serve others. Even when I haven't played my best, I go home feeling happy that we brightened someone's day. We have two more performances tomorrow and then one next Sunday night, and then we are done for awhile. I loved a Christmas card we got from Belinda Stephens in Aberdeen. It said "When Christ is in your heart, then Christmas is in the air." I hope we can all take the time this year to try to do something nice for someone who is sad or lonely--maybe that person even lives in the same house as us!
I received a sharp reminder yesterday that the best way to help people change is through positive reinforcement and sincere praise--not through criticism. Hope I can do better. Sometimes I tend to dwell on the negative, and this doesn't help anyone. I was glad for the reminder. (even though it was given completely unintentionally).
Oh guess what? I found some photos--hurray. This is our Thanksgiving dinner at Olive Garden

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Messed Up

Something happened to the format when I posted this. Sorry--the words and photos are all out of place. Hope you can figure it all out.

The Morning After!!!

Look at Her!

Me talking to my Utah kids (woops!)

Becca loves me to take photos with her. I think I was in my pjs for this one!

The girls on the future temple site. Beautiful girls and beautiful site.

May was full of rugby, violin, temple ground breaking and grad. Doesn't KatiAnne look beautiful all dressed up for grad? She went with Stephen Crane and had a great time. I didn't put any rugby photos in because Daddy has sent lots of those I think. KatiAnne had a great season. Her team didn't go as far as they had hoped, which was SO disappointing for her, but she felt good about how she did. She is a tough player. Becca performed beautifully at a violin festival. She has her grade six exam coming up in three weeks. She says she is nervous about it, but I think I am the one who is nervous. She doesn't seem to worry too much about it.
Becca realized the other day that she is going to be home ALONE (with just her parents) for four whole years. Oh, she is depressed about that!!! What I think is depressing is that AFTER that four years, it will just be her parents at home. How I love being a Mother!! Do you all want to move back home for a little while??? I will make you some delicious food!
Really, though, I am so proud of each of you and who you have become. You bring me great joy. Always remember how much I love you. And enjoy your own precious years of having children at home. (coming soon for Lara and Sheri.)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hey I'm back!

Well, after a two month break I am finally back to blogging! I guess our trip to Maui gave me the rest I needed and I can get going again! We had a lovely time--It was just so nice to feel the sun and the warmth. I don't realize just how very much I miss it until I feel it again. We went snorkeling three times and that was so neat for me because I had never done it before. I had no idea how neat it is. The first time was great but I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have because I was just learning how and I kind of hyperventilated--I thought I had to breath constantly ! I felt a bit dizzy and sick. I did better the next time.
I did lose my $800 pair of glasses somewhere in Maui, so that was pretty dumb. At least I have a spare pair here at home to wear. I'm afraid we might have left our GPS system in the rental car as well. Those kind of things are a frustrating addition to the costs of a holiday.
You can imagine the shock to our systems as we flew into Calgary from Maui and faced a winter blizzard. Oh well--that is life, and to be honest it is always nice to be home--wherever that home may be.
We took about 300 photos so it was impossible to put them all here, but at least these give you the feeling of warmth!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Auntie Becca is sure a good help

Little teddy bear!
Wow, look at those eyes.
After 29 Valentine's Days we are still in love!

Isn't Maya a beautiful baby?
KatiAnne did Caden's hair today.

Becca Losing a Star :(
You have probably seen some of these photos before. With Daddy's SNEM's and JanaLee's ability to keep up on her blog, I feel like all the cute pictures have already been sent. So I went back to a few older ones of Maya that MAYBE you haven't seen.
We just barely got nine new pot lights put into our kitchen, so hopefully it will no longer be so dark and dingy during winter nights. (Actually, dingy isn't the right word--I love my house!). But the one thing I really missed from our last home was how light it always was. Hopefully, we have now solved this problem.
How wonderful it was to have David and Sheri surprise us again with another visit. We loved having them. They are so much fun to be around. Hopefully they have recovered from their awful day of traveling home.
KatiAnne has had a really long weekend. She has had some fun with friends and started her new job. Eventually, when KatiAnne gets up the courage she will be able to get herself and a friend into movies for free!! We are all hoping for lots of movie watching this next year or so!
Daddy gave me a beautiful pearl necklace for Valentine's Day. He is an awfully amazing sweetheart!
You would think that after four months of not blogging I would be able to think of something to write, but that is not turning out to be the case. Life just continues on--a little work, a little play, a little reading, a little piano, etc. -- but lots of love. I love you all so much. You are each precious to me, and truly are the joy of my life. Have a great day everyone, and I won't wait four more months to write.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hairstyles, More important things.

We were treated to some different hairstyles this weekend. KatiAnne decided to go Jamaican on us, and Becca just made hers extra, extra beautiful. JanaLee was quite a trooper as she put the dreadlocks in KatiAnne's hair just hours before going into labor. KatiAnne has a friend named Sam who has had dreadlocks for months. He had to shave them off last night so he could put in his mission papers. KatiAnne wanted to go to the "shaving off" party with her own dreads. She thought they were pretty awesome. Thankfully, though, she doesn't want to keep them. She found it really interesting how she was treated differently by people the two days that she had them. A good lesson in the fact that people DO judge you by your looks, but also that they shouldn't!
Much more important than hair, though, was the addition of our little baby girl (can I say "our" JanaLee?) with only a small amount of hair!! What a thrill it was to see her and hold her yesterday. And it was truly joyful to see how Caden reacted to her. It was the sweetest thing in the world to see the INSTANT love and acceptance. Of course, I'm sure he'll have adjustments, but it filled my heart to watch him. JanaLee looked great, and seems to be doing well. We can't wait to go over again and hold little ?? (hint, hint, JanaLee).
I gave a talk this morning in church. I think it went alright. It is honestly true what they say about gaining the most when you give the talk rather than when you hear it. Thinking and reading about temple worship and the blessings that come from it has really touched my heart the last couple of weeks.
Love you all. My prayers are with each one of you in your challenges, sorrow, and happy times. Never forget that the Lord is in charge and is guiding your life!