Friday, February 27, 2009


It is amazing to me how things can change so quickly.  With a short 15 minute meeting Daddy's daily life has completely changed.  With one or two phone calls, David's business life is going to change dramatically.  (For those that don't know someone has offered to buy his business, and he will probably do the deal).  In a split second a little boy lost his life when trying to cross the street to his school bus (that was in the news here).  It has hit me the past day or so, how we really do not know what the future will bring--in fact, we truly don't really even know what the next hour will bring.  That is why I am so grateful for my faith in a Heavenly Father who loves me.  I trust Him to guide my life.  That is why I am grateful for a prophet who gives us direction.  And I am so incredibly grateful for a family who constantly shows love and support.  I think we need to just feel such gratitude for every moment of every day, and the things we have been blessed with.  I want to learn to really appreciate the here and now.  I love you all.
P.S.  Daddy is doing great--he has a positive attitude and is looking on this change as a blessing rather than adversity.  He is a good example.


  1. Thank you for that Mom-you are such a great example to me! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family, especially such amazing parents! I love you!

  2. What a beautiful posting. Mom, you are amazing. I love you so much. You're so right, we have no idea what the future holds, and its such a comfort to have faith in our Heavenly Father that He is watching over us and will help us through all the experiences and trials of life. I miss you xxx

  3. I haven't been on here for so long, I just saw this post!
    Thanks for your wonderful example of faith! I love you!
