Saturday, June 6, 2009


I really missed Daddy and David while they were gone this week.  But I am glad they had such a great trip.  Thanks to our Utah family!!   
   This week was spent mostly watching other people create beautiful things.  First of all, Cyndy and Aubrey stayed with us most of the week because their house was getting retiled and painted.  While she was here, Cyndy spent nearly three full days sewing the beautiful baby dress you see.  It is for Carly's baby that was adopted.  The baby is going to the temple this weekend to get sealed and then getting blessed.  Wasn't that unselfish of Cyndy?  I thought that showed a lot of love.  She won't ever even see the baby wear the dress, but she still put so much effort into it.  
     Then I got to see JanaLee create another of her beautiful wedding cakes.  It was her first square one and turned out just lovely.  I have no photos but I'm sure she will put some up.  She worked so hard on it, and I'm sure was very proud of what she created.  
     I watched KatiAnne turn herself into a beautiful princess when she went to Grad on Thursday.  She had a great time again, and sure looked pretty.  
     JanaLee reminded me this week of the talk that was given in General R.S. meeting about the importance of "creating".  Maybe next week I can report on something that I created. 
Love you all. 


  1. Wow that is a beautiful dress. That is really wonderful of Cyndy. I love the little lace hearts on the collar. I miss you mommy. I wish you could have been down here this week too. I'm looking forward to JUly! Think about all the amazingly delicious meals that you create everyday for the family. Thats quite an accomplishment. I hope to someday create as nice of meals for my family as you do.

  2. Thanks for posting! That is a beautiful dress! Makes me think that you could start on a blessing dress for your new granddaughter :) OR you could create Caden's baby quilt.. :P Just kidding.
    Mom, you do create beautiful things- just look at your children!
