Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello again

Once again, I have been surpassed by my children in blogging success.  Way to go, daughters!!!!  I hope you all have been checking KatiAnne's blog as well--it is fun to read.  Have you had problems accessing it?   
     Anyway, she told you about her grad so I won't--other than to say that it was fun to see her dressed up so pretty, and having such a fun time.  She had such a hard time deciding what shoes to wear--(as per photos)   It was a big decision!!  She actually ended up wearing different ones than shown.    Daddy and David just left to drive to Utah.  They will stop in Cardston first and do some yard work for Grandma and then drive down tomorrow.   I've been telling everyone that I'm going to party all week, but actually I will probably be pretty lonely.  
     Believe it or not, our trees actually got put in today!   After two years of complaining about things, we finally got some nice trees.  Hurray!!    The ones in the back by the hot tub are still total wimps of trees and are quite embarrassing.  But at least the front yard will look decent now.  
    I just put this photo of Becca in to amaze you all at how grown up she is getting.  

1 comment:

  1. I loved the "total wimps of trees", BAHAHAHHA! Its true, hey?! :)
    Thanks for updating, I really enjoyed reading it. We'll find some time to party this week :)
    Love you!
