Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday update

 These photos show Caden in his very favorite place in the whole world "Pa's Honda".   He would spend hours everyday playing in the car if we'd let him.  
KatiAnne was going through old boxes and found her much loved Roman costume from grade two or something.  She had to try it out on Caden.    The other two photos show my attempt at looking younger.  KatiAnne curled my hair with the straightener, which is apparently, the WAY to curl hair now.  It was fun to have her do it.  
     This week I got released from being choir director.  Even though I hated begging people to come to choir, there were many parts of the calling that I really loved, and I will miss it.  My new calling is nursery leader.  I think that will be good.  


  1. I love the pictures on this blog! Mom you should have KA do your hair again, it looks STUNNING!! I really hope that I look half as good as you do when I'm in my 40's!!!
    I don't know if you noticed or not, but in the second picture, Caden is signing "laugh"... he's telling you that he's having a good time :) what a stud. You guys are such amazing grandparents and parents. I love you!!

  2. WOw mom you look so pretty with your hair all done curled. I love it. It was so amazing seeing you down here last week. I miss you a lot, wish you were still here. Thanks for updating. You guys need to get SKYPE ok? I have mine all set up, so I'm ready to talk with you! I LOVE YOU so much. Thanks for the cute pictures.
