Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Normal Life

Hi everyone,
     I'm finally back again to update you on my life.  Trouble is, there is not much going on.  It is just life as normal here in Calgary.
     Becca had her violin recital on Saturday and did very well.  She is done with lessons for the summer except that she is doing a summer institute in July and so she still has to practice.  She actually has a pretty good attitude about it which is great.  These photos were taken by Alex Bennion at a recent violin event.  He has got his own photography company and everything. 
This last week at school has been one big party for Becca--they have gone to a movie, gone rollerskating at Lloyds, gone on a forest field trip, had a barbeque, and it is only Wednesday! 
     JanaLee's house is still getting worked on so we get to have her and Caden at our house each day.  And then Ben comes for dinner too.  So it has been lots of fun.  I think we will really miss them when they stop coming each day.   I'm sure JanaLee will be thrilled, though, to get her own house back.
     Daddy has taken KatiAnne and some friends out to the boat this afternoon--our first boating of the year.  It is nice and warm today but a bit windy.  KatiAnne is excited because it is the Annual Mud Fight at young women's tonight.   
     David had an appointment with the specialist this morning about getting his hernia repaired.  I don't know what the result was because he is still working.  
I am excited for our Utah trip.  It will be great fun.  


  1. Yay! I'm so glad that you updated! I love those pictures of Rebecca. It has been so fun to be able to come over so much. Thank you again and again for the dinners, babysitting help... everything! I'm sure you will be happy when our house is done!
    I guess its my turn to blog now, but its 9:40pm and I JUST got Caden to sleep (after an hour!) and the tilers JUST left. So, I am pooped and going to bed. Love you lots mom!

  2. Hi MOM! Wow those pictures are SO BEAUTIFUL. Very professional looking. The first one is my favorite. I can't wait to see you guys next week. I feel so lucky that you get to be here for my birthday. I was thinking maybe to celebrate we could go up the canyon and make a camp fire, and roast hotdogs, burgers, and marshmallows. What'd ya think? Ben is in Seattle right now, for his kinda pre-interview program thingy... bnasically its just to get to know the office and see if her likes it, and also for them to get to meet him. It was cute he was kinda a bit nervous. He's adorable. Well, talk to you soon. Thanks for updating. I love you!
