Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, we forgot to take our camera--like usual at important times.  But I still have to write about going skiing today.   Daddy took the day off work so he could take KatiAnne up to the mountains.  Becca didn't want to go, so I was going to stay home to pick her up from school.  But JanaLee volunteered to do it, and it was pretty warm outside, so my usual excuses were fading away.  I actually decided to go of my own free will and choice.  But I told Gary I was going to stay on the easy run the WHOLE time, and not to bother me about it.  So Gary and KatiAnne went off to do REAL skiing, and I totally enjoyed my slow, easy pace.  In fact, I gained so much confidence that I decided to go on the harder hill--not the HARD hill, mind you--just the hardER hill.  Well, the first ten seconds of it I fell down, and continued to do so quite often the rest of the way down.  I ended up getting down the steeper parts by sliding on my bottom or my back.  It works quite well!!!    I even pulled KatiAnne part way with me.   But I have to admit, it was lots of fun, and I was SO glad I went.  Next time, we are going to force Becca to come with us too.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My day

Another quiet day, but a good one.  I just stayed at home and tried to get things done here.  I had fun watching KatiAnne make and decorate cupcakes to take around and "ding dong dash".   KatiAnne had two dates scheduled this week, but they both got postponed.  She thought that was pretty dumb.   Becca got herself up at 5:30 this morning and got her practicing done before school.  It was GREAT.  I bet she is exhausted tonight though.  We are watching Aubrey for two days while her folks go to a convention in Canmore.  


Monday, January 26, 2009


Hi everyone.  My visiting teacher just left.  We had a good visit and decided that we need to do MORE in our lives.   Her idea was to input names in the computer for family history work--like Sheri used to do.  I think that's a good idea.  I also have a goal to do some service for someone each week.  The last two weeks I took dinner to someone in the ward--but this week I am having trouble thinking of someone.  Would any of you like dinner brought to you?!  I never thought this day would come, but I honestly am finding myself with time on my hands, and want to do something worthwhile.    Of course, blogging is good!   KatiAnne has gone snowboarding today with friends up in the mountains.  It is still quite cold, but I'm sure they'll have fun.  When Becca comes home from school today we are going to try to figure out some new motivator for practicing violin.  And if anyone is interested, Roxie has now messed in the house two days in a row.   She is not my favorite creature right now.   

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Becca has really been missing her friend Cealy who is on holiday.  She also misses her other friend Erin who has gone on a 4 month world cruise.  Can you believe it?  I think I am jealous.  
Move over everyone!!  Caden is taking over the massage chair.  


Hi family,
     It was so fun to talk with all of you today.  Hope the Utah crowd all gets feeling better.  It was so cold here today--just makes you want to stay inside all day.   However, we did go get some more food storage.  Daddy spent the day organizing and figuring out what more we need.  I made some cookies.  David had one job.  KatiAnne and Becca are doing things with friends.  Daddy and I are going on a date tonight--to dinner and then maybe a movie or something.   I was so silly last night--we started watching a movie and then ended up turning it off because it had a lot of dirty language in it.  I started to cry!!  Not cause I cared about the movie per say, but because I so wanted to have a date.  Pretty dumb, I know.  But I got tonight's date out of it, so it was worth it!    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday tomorrow, and that Sheri can finally get her recommend.  Good luck on your talks, JanaLee and Ben.  You'll do great.  

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My good-looking husband, KatiAnne during exam week, and babysitting fun.

Hey everyone.  Just thought I'd say hello.  Things have been pretty quiet around here.  David's business is SO slow, which means that I don't have many phone calls to answer.  KatiAnne can drive herself everywhere now, and so I have much less driving to do.  I actually had time today to make homemade spaghetti sauce.  Wow--isn't my life exciting!  Dave and I went to the gym today, and he helped me work my arms.  I thought I was done WAY before David thought I was done.  I thought I'd add a couple more pictures.  Enjoy them!  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can't believe I'm doing this

I can't believe I am actually doing a blog.  Me?  But it will be fun.  Hope everyone will join in.  Maybe I'll figure out something exciting to put on it!