Friday, January 30, 2009


Well, we forgot to take our camera--like usual at important times.  But I still have to write about going skiing today.   Daddy took the day off work so he could take KatiAnne up to the mountains.  Becca didn't want to go, so I was going to stay home to pick her up from school.  But JanaLee volunteered to do it, and it was pretty warm outside, so my usual excuses were fading away.  I actually decided to go of my own free will and choice.  But I told Gary I was going to stay on the easy run the WHOLE time, and not to bother me about it.  So Gary and KatiAnne went off to do REAL skiing, and I totally enjoyed my slow, easy pace.  In fact, I gained so much confidence that I decided to go on the harder hill--not the HARD hill, mind you--just the hardER hill.  Well, the first ten seconds of it I fell down, and continued to do so quite often the rest of the way down.  I ended up getting down the steeper parts by sliding on my bottom or my back.  It works quite well!!!    I even pulled KatiAnne part way with me.   But I have to admit, it was lots of fun, and I was SO glad I went.  Next time, we are going to force Becca to come with us too.  Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. I am so glad that you got to go skiing. But I wish that I had been there to see you slide down on your butt :) Just kidding.
    Its hard to get out to do things like resort skiing, but its always worth it! Im so glad your excuses faded away, you deserve to have fun!

  2. Mom- the reason that your comments are showing up as "Zemp News" is because Dad didn't log out of his account. So, first log out, then sign in under your account. It could be that the settings for Dad's account are "remember me on this computer". If thats the case, just change it. I can help you next time I come over, but thats whats going on.
    Love you!
