Monday, January 26, 2009


Hi everyone.  My visiting teacher just left.  We had a good visit and decided that we need to do MORE in our lives.   Her idea was to input names in the computer for family history work--like Sheri used to do.  I think that's a good idea.  I also have a goal to do some service for someone each week.  The last two weeks I took dinner to someone in the ward--but this week I am having trouble thinking of someone.  Would any of you like dinner brought to you?!  I never thought this day would come, but I honestly am finding myself with time on my hands, and want to do something worthwhile.    Of course, blogging is good!   KatiAnne has gone snowboarding today with friends up in the mountains.  It is still quite cold, but I'm sure they'll have fun.  When Becca comes home from school today we are going to try to figure out some new motivator for practicing violin.  And if anyone is interested, Roxie has now messed in the house two days in a row.   She is not my favorite creature right now.   


  1. Oh Mom, that is a beautiful picture of you! I have some ideas of things you can do!
    -You could make freezer meals. Then when someone in your ward is having a baby, or needing help, you can just pull one out of your freezer. Or I know of LOTS of people in my ward who could use some.
    -You could take a yoga class. You'd love it, I know you would.
    -You could take a class at SAIT. They have one day classes on cool things like "breakfast baking" or "italian foods" or making artisian breads. Lots of fun things.
    -You could take Roxie to obedience school (hehehe)
    -You could finish Caden's quilt :)
    -You could come hang out at my house :)
    Thanks for watching Caden today while I went to my appointment. Your the greatest!

  2. Those are adorable pictures! Thanks for posting them. I can't believe what a naughty Roxie. Is she upset about something, and trying to make a statement? Thats a really neat idea to do service for someone each week. I should try that. There's always people that could use some help, huh. Remember when you helped me make that dinner for my YW president at grandmas? That was so nice of you! I love you mommy.
